The Kon-Tiki Expedition

A Linked Open Data project


Our project

"In 1947 a crazy Norwegian with a crazier idea sailed west from South America on a raft."

The Times, July 10 2020

On April 28 1947, a raft set sail off the Peruvian harbour of Callao. On board were a six-men crew and one parrot: for three months, they would drift on 7,000 km of endless Pacific sea.
This is not a pirate story: it is the story of the Kon-Tiki journey, and to tell it from the beginning, let us go a few years back in time, when a young couple left Norway to spend their honeymoon in the romantic Pacific Islands.

Thor Heyerdahl is a 22-year-old Norwegian zoologist: in 1936, when he and his wife Liv set out for the isolated islands of the Pacific, the newly married couple is nominally on an academic mission to study the local fauna. Yet —as Thor would later write — the real purpose of that journey is to escape from civilization and return to nature.

Torstein Raaby and the parrot Lorita on board of the Kon-Tiki.

While living in Fatu-Hiva — the southernmost island of the Marquesas Islands, in French Polynesia — Thor hears about the ancient myth of Tiki the God.
Tiki, so legend has it, was the son of the Sun: he and his people had come to the Pacific islands from a faraway, eastern land overseas.
Thor is struck by the story: back to Norway, he decides to give up on zoology and study the history of the South Seas instead.
He discovers some similarities between the Polynesian Tiki legend and the Inca myth of Kon-Tiki. According to the latter, Kon-Tiki, the Sun god, used to rule on the Lake Titicaca — currently on the border of Bolivia and Peru — until the Inca ancestors conquered his land and massacred his legendary people.
Kon-Tiki himself and a handful of men were the only survivors: they made their way to the West coast and disappeared over the sea.
Thor is persuaded that the two legends bear trace of the same real event: the colonization of Polynesian islands by pre-Inca populations in the prehistoric era.
The scientific community is sceptical and Thor decides to prove his theory in the most spectacular way: he finds a crew, builds up a raft using pre-Inca native material and technologies and sails from the port of Lima to reach the Polynesian islands.

Five fellow adventurers are with him:
Bengt Danielsson, a Swedish sociologist interested in human migration theory who takes on the role of steward, cook and translator: he is the only member of the crew to speak Spanish. Erik Hesselberg, navigator (the only on board) and artist: he paints the large Kon-Tiki god red figure on the raft's sail. Herman Watzinger, an engineer specialised in technical measurements and weather. Knut Haugland and Torstein Raaby, in charge of the radio transmission, are two World War II heroes: both were part of the Resistance fighting against Nazi occupation in Norway. Lorita, a female pet parrot completes the crew.
After 101 days and over 6,900 km across the Pacific Ocean, the Kon-Tiki is shipwrecked off the coast of Raroia, an atoll in the Tuamotus, on August 7, 1947. They did not make it through as planned, but they eventually did it: the journey is over, and Thor has demonstrated that a prehistoric expedition across the ocean was possible.

The Kon-Tiki crew

The year after, Thor publishes a book about the Kon-Tiki adventure: it turns into a bestseller. The crew's filmstrip notes, taken during the journey, become a documentary motion picture directed by Heyerdahl himself and edited by Olle Nordemar. In 1952, it is awarded with an Oscar.
Ever since, Thor — who has become a famous explorer, archaeologist and ethnologist— led many other expeditions and campaigns. In the 50s he explored the Galapagos and the Easter Island; in 1969 and 1970 he built two boats from papyrus (Ra and Ra II) and attempted to cross the Atlantic Ocean from Morocco: he got up to Barbados (6000 km). In 1977, on board of a self-made reed boat, he tried to demonstrate that trade and migration could have linked Mesopotamia with the Indus Valley Civilization, in what is now Pakistan and western India. In 1957, the Kon-Tiki Museet of Oslo was founded by him and Knut Haugland to gather a collection entirely dedicated to the Kon-Tiki adventure. In 2002, Thor moves to Italy, near Savona, where, on 18 April, he dies.




We made a selection of ten items coming from different cultural institutions: all of them are related to the Kon-Tiki story.
For each item, we provide the title, the type, the linked source and a brief description.

E/R model

We graphically represented our scenario through an E/R model containing our chosen items, the entities and the most relevant relationships between them.

Metadata scouting

After an accurate research, we identified the metadata standards adopted by the hosting institutions to describe our items.
In case the institution did not explicitly declare which standard they relied on, we selected the most appropriate ones.

Metadata alignment

In order to ensure interoperability between standards, we defined correspondences between their properties, mapping them to each other.
We grouped the properties according to four implicit questions they answer: Who, When, Where and What.

Theoretical model

The theoretical model depicts our scenario describing the items, the related metadata and the relationships between them adopting a more abstract perspective.

Conceptual model

The model formally represents our domain by making use of existing ontologies: a graphical representation has been produced to show our results.

Data description

We described the ten chosen items following our conceptual model through a set of tables.
Each of them represents the subjects, predicates and objects suited to describe the items’ features and the main events related to their creation and description.

RDF production

We chose some entities and items representative for our domain, and wrote RDF triples using turtle serialization in order to describe and connect them.

RDF visualization

Finally, we obtained a graphical representation of the turtle serialization.


Our choices

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The raft is named after the Inca god Kon-Tiki. It was built in 1947 by Thor Heyerdahl and his crew, in Peru, thanks to the help provided by local authorities.
The raft is entirely made up of native materials following indigenous style and techniques, in order to demonstrate that making a journey across the Pacific Ocean in the prehistoric era was indeed possible. Nowadays, it is held and displayed by the Kon-tiki Museum of Oslo.

Board Game


The board game, composed by a foldable board representing the Pacific Ocean and a little plastic raft, is based on the book published by the explorer Thor Heyerdahl about the adventurous Kon-Tiki expedition.

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Published in Norwegian in 1948 as The Kon-Tiki Expedition: By Raft Across the South Seas and later reprinted as Kon-Tiki: Across the Pacific in a Raft the book of this incredible adventure became a bestseller. It was translated in English in 1950, followed by many other languages.

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Released in 1950, Kon-Tiki is a documentary film about the expedition. It was directed by Thor Heyerdahl and edited by Olle Nordemar, who edited and expanded the original crew's filmstrip notes, taken during the journey.
The documentary received the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feauture for 1951 at the 24th Academy Awards.

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Film poster realised by the illustrator Nicola Simbari for the Italian release of the documentary "Kon-Tiki" written and directed by Thor Heyerdahl.

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Thor Heyerdahl Centenary Commemorative Stamp

A Norwegian multicolor stamp issued in 2014 to commemorate the Thor Heyerdahl Centenary.

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The Kon-Tiki crew

The photograph depicts the Kon-Tiki crew and their family on board of the raft.

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Map of the Kon-Tiki expedition

A map belonging to the surviving material from the planning and organization of the expedition. It was created by Thor and the crew to prepare for the voyage.

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Recorded Speech

Thor Heyerdahl parla della spedizione del Kon Tiki

Thor Heyerdah, who spent his last years in Italy, talks about the Kon Tiki expedition in a Rai interview.

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Kon-Tiki, by Meet The Sun

A dreamy folk song by the Phoenix based singer Meet the Sun inspired by the journey undertaken by Thor and his crew. The song is part of the self-titled album released in 2016 by Wiener Records.

Here is a quote from the song:
"I sailed for a 100 days and nearly lost my way but just one more sun and we arrived It just takes one day to come alive"

Knowledge organization

E/R model


Metadata scouting

# Title Object Provider Metadata
1 Kon-Tiki Raft Kon-Tiki Museum CDWA1
2 Thor Heyerdahl Centenary Commemorative Stamp Stamp Colnect2 RAD3
3 Thor Heyerdahl parla della spedizione del Kon Tiki Recorded Speech Istituto Centrale per i Beni Sonori ed Audiovisivi UNIMARC
4 Kon-Tiki Documentary IMDb SOMA
5 "Kon-Tiki", Meet the Sun Song MusicBrainz XML MMD Schema
6 Kon-Tiki Book Nasjonalbiblioteket MARC21
7 Map of the Kon-Tiki expedition Map Kon-Tiki Museum's Online Collection Database ISAD(G)
8 Kon-Tiki Board game Spielzeugmuseum Nürnberg CDWA1
9 Kon-Tiki/Simbari Poster Catalogo del Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale UNIMARC
10 The Kon-Tiki crew Photograph Kon-Tiki Museum's Online Collection Database ISAD(G)4


1 Since the Kon-Tiki Museum and the Spielzeugmuseum Nürnberg do not specify the standard used for the descriptions of the raft and the boardgame we opted for CDWA which is a metadata standard from the museum community designed as a framework for the description of works of art and material culture.

2 Colnect is a website containing collectables catalogues. It allows collectors to manage their personal collection and provides a marketplace dedicated to buying and selling collectables. Since we considered the commemorative stamp as an interesting item for our topic we decided to treat Colnect as an archive.

3 When choosing the metadata standard we opted for Rules for Archival Description (RAD) which is the Canadian archival descriptive standard because it's the only one that provides a section explicitly dedicated to the description of philatelic material (Chapter 12). See the documentation here.

4 The Kon-Tiki Museum's Online Collection Database does not specify the standard used to describe the photograph. Therefore, we contacted the curator: he declared that the online application relies on ISAD(g) for some objects (e.g. the map) but not for the photographs. Since the photo we picked is held by the same platform and share a similar description with the other objects we concluded that choosing ISAD(g) was the most suitable solution.


Metadata alignment

1 Creator dc:creator Creator description / Creator/Creator.Role Name of creator(s) <artist(s)> 100$a Personal Name 200$f First Statement of Responsibility/700 Personal Name-Primary Responsability/701$a Personal Name-Alternative Intellectual responsibility/710 Corporate Body Name-Primary Responsability/711$a Corporate Body Name-Alternative Intellectual Responsibility
2 Contributor dc:contributor Creator Role / Contributor/ Contributor. Role / / 508$a Creation/ production credits note 200$g Subsequent Statement of Responsibility/702 Personal name-Secondary responsibility/712 Corporate Body Name-Secondary Responsibility
3 Publisher dc:publisher Creator Role Name of publisher, distributor, etc. Publisher / < label > 260$b Name of publisher, distributor 210$c Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc./712 Corporate Body Name-Secondary Responsibility
4 Owner / Ownership/ collecting history, owner Administrative history/ Custodial history / Administrative history/ Archival history < owner(s)> 561 Ownership and Custodial History 703 Personal Name, Provenance or Ownership
1 Place of creation dcterms :coverage/dcterms:spatial Creation Place/Original Location Place of manufacture Coverage.Spatial / < country_recording > 260$e Place of manufacture 210$e Place of manufacture
2 Place of publication dcterms:coverage/dcterms:spatial / Place of publication, distribution, etc. Coverage.Spatial / / 260$a Place of publication, distribution, etc. 210$a Place of Publication, Distribution, etc./620 Place and Date of Publication Performance, etc.
3 Current location dcterms:coverage/ dcterms:location Repository/ Geographic Location / Coverage.Spatial Name of creator(s)/Reference code(s) / 825 Location 335$a Identification of the Holder
4 Contained in dcterms:isPartOf Work broader/ context / Relation.IsPartOf / / 773 Host Item Entry /
1 Publishing date dcterms:date.issued / Date of publication, distribution, etc. Date/ Date.Available Date(s) < releasedat >/< publishdat > 260$c Date of production, publication, distribution etc. 100$a/8-16 Type of publication date;publication date 1 and 2/210$d Date of Publication, Distribution, etc./620 Place and Date of publication, performance, etc.
2 Creation date dcterms:created CreationDate Date(s) of creation Date/Date.Created Date(s) < year_production > 260$c Date of production, publication, distribution etc. 210$h Date of Manufacture
1 Subject dc:subject Subject display Scope and content for an item Subject Scope and content / 6XX Subject Access Fields 610$a Uncontrolled Subject Terms/606 Topical Name Used as Subject/675 UDC/676 DDC/680 LCC/686 Other Classification Systems
2 Title dc:title Title Text Title proper Title Title < title(s) >/ < alltitle > 245$a Title 203 Content form and media type/283$ Carrier type Designation/608 Form, Genre or Physical Characteristics Heading
3 Language dc:language / Language Language Language/scripts of material / 546 Language Note 101$a Language of text, soundtrack etc.
4 Material dcterms:medium Material/Techniques, Material/Tecniques description / Format.Medium Extent and medium / 340$e Support 215$b Materials and Technique display
5 Rights dc:rights Copyright Statement Rights Rights Conditions governing access/Conditions governing reproductions / 540 Terms Governing Use and Reproduction Note 300 General Note
6 Dimensions dcterms:format Dimensions/Dimensions description Dimensions Format.Extend Extent and medium of the unit of description (quantity, bulk, or size) < description(s) > 340$b Dimensions 215$d Dimensions
7 Technique / Material/Techniques, Material/Techniques, description / / Physical characteristics and technical requirements / 340$d Information recording technique 215$b Materials and Technique display
8 Description dc:description Descriptive note/Abstract description Physical description Description / < description(s) > 3XX Physical Description, Etc., Fields/300$a Extent/300$b Other physical details 303 General Notes Pertaining to Descriptive Information/330$a Summary or Abstract
9 Lenght dcterms :SizeorDuration Measurement, Dimension type, Dimensions value Extent of descriptive unit Format.Extent Extent and medium / 340$b Dimensions 215$d Dimensions

Data representation

Theoretical model

An alternative version of the theoretical model can be seen here.

Data representation

Conceptual model

Ontologies were selected pursuing a good balance between expressiveness, domain specificity and interoperability, choosing vocabularies that were as much aligned and harmonised as possible.
Dublin Core provided general classes and properties to identify core elements of our domain.
CIDOC-CRM has been adopted to represent events and material cultural objects.
RiC-O describes the archival records related to those of our items which are held by archival institutions.
FRBRoo and Fabio represent our textual materials and their bibliographic description distinguishing between different levels of abstraction (work, expression, manifestation, item).
The creative works related to the Kon-Tiki expedition have been mainly conceptualised using Schema’s classes and properties.
Finally, the GeoNames and Basic Geo vocabularies have been used to describe places and their location, while information related to people relies on FOAF and GND Ontology.

Knowledge representation

Data description


# Question Property Object
1 What is the resource title? dcterms:title Kon-Tiki exkspedisjonen
2 What topic is the resource about? dcterms:subject Kon-Tiki expedition, Ethnology--Polynesia Pacific Ocean
3 What type of resource is it? rdf:type An immaterial cultural expression
4 What is the resource about? crm:P129_is_about The Kon-Tiki expedition
5 What is the resource language? crm:P72:has_Language Norwegian
6 What does the resource convey? frbroo:crm:P148_has_component A written text
7 How can we describe or classify our resource? crm:P2_has_type Memoirs
8 What publication or edition carries this resource? frbroo:R4_carriers_provided_by Thor Heyerdhl, Kon-Tiki ekspedisjonen, Oslo: Gyldendal, 1948
9 What event created the resource? frbroo:R17_was_created_by The expression creation

Expression creation

# Question Property Object
1 Who created the expression? crm:P14_carried_out_by Thor Heyerdahl
2 When was the resource created? crm:P4_has_time-span 1948


# Question Property Object
1 What type of resource is it? rdf:type Publication, edition
2 When was the resource published? fabio:has_publication_date 1948
3 Who is the publisher? fabio:has_Publisher By Gyldendal
4 Where was the resource published? fabio:has_place_of_publication In Oslo
5 What exemplar embodies this resource? frbroo:R7_has_example The copy held by the Nasjonalbiblioteket in Oslo


# Question Property Object
1 Where is the resource kept at? crm:P50_has_current_keeper In the Nasjonalbiblioteket of Oslo

Board game

# Question Property Object
1 What type of resource is it? rdf:type It is an artifact
2 How can we describe or classify our resource? crm:P2_has_type Board Game(game sets)
3 What is the title of the resource? crm:P102_has_title Kon-Tiki
4 What label can be used to describe the resource? rdf:label The Kon-Tiki board game
5 From what did it draw inspiration? schema:isBasedOn The Kon-Tiki ekspedisjonen book
6 What material is it made of? crm:P45_consists_of Cardboard paper iron plastic
7 What are the dimensions? crm:P43_has_dimension 28.5x45x3.5 cm
8 Where is it kept? crm:P50_has_current_keeper Spielzeugmuseum Nürnberg
9 What are its components? crm:P46_is_composed_of A board, eight discs, playing card and instructions
10 Who was the contributor? dcterms:contributor Thor Heyerdahl
11 Which event created the resource? crm:P108_was_produced_by Production

Production - Board Game

# Question Property Object
1 When did the production take place? crm:P4_has_time-span 1967-1971
2 Where did the production take place? crm:P7_took_place_at Germany
3 Who carried it out? crm:P14_carried_out_by J. W. Spear and Sons Spear's Games
4 What is the technique? crm:P32_used_general_technique Pasting printing casting, pressing riveting, and punching
5 Who was the contributor? dcterms:contributor Thor Heyerdahl


# Question Property Object
1 What type of resource is it? rdf:type It is an artifact
2 How can we describe or classify our resource? crm:P2_has_type Rafts
3 What label can be used to describe the resource? rdf:label The Kon-Tiki raft
4 What was it used for? P16_was_used_for The Kon-Tiki expedition
6 What material is it made of? crm:P45_consists_of Balsa wood (trunks) mangrove timber (mast) > mangrove (wood) bambù (cabin) > bamboo (material)
7 What are the dimensions? crm:P43_has_dimension Trunks dimensions: 14 meters y 60 cm in diameter. Mast dimensions: form an A-frame 8.8 m. Cabin dimensions: 4.3 m long and 2.4 m wide and about 1.2-1.5 m high. Main sail dimensions: 4.6 by 5.5 m.
8 Where is it kept? crm:P50_has_current_keeper Kon-Tiki Museum
9 What are its components? crm:P46_is_composed_of Nine balsa tree trunks, a mast, a cabin roofed by a banana leaf thatch, sails
10 Which event created the resource? crm:P108_was_produced_by Production

Production - Raft

# Question Property Object
1 When did the production take place? crm:P4_has_time-span 1947
2 Where did the production take place? crm:P7_took_place_at Lima, Perù
3 Who carried it out? crm:P14_carried_out_by Thor Heyerdahl, Erik Hesselberg,Bengt Danielsson, Knut Haugland, Tors ein Raaby, Herman Watzinger


# Question Property Object
1 What type of resource is it? rdf:type It is an artifact
2 How can we describe or classify our resource? crm:P2_has_type Film poster
3 What label can be used to describe the resource? rdf:label The Kon-Tiki poster
4 What is the title of the resource? crm:P102_has_title Kon-Tiki / Simbari
5 What material is it made of? crm:P45_consists_of Paper
6 What are the dimensions? crm:P43_has_dimension 70x33 cm
7 Where is it kept? crm:P50_has_current_keeper Biblioteca provinciale La Magna Capitana - Foggia
8 Which event created the resource? crm:P108_was_produced_by Production

Production - Poster

# Question Property Object
1 When did the production take place? crm:P4_has_time-span 1952
2 Where did the production take place? crm:P7_took_place_at Firenze
3 Who carried it out? crm:P14_carried_out_by Nicola Simbari
4 What is the technique? crm:P32_used_general_technique Chromolithography


# Question Property Object
1 What type of resource is it? rdf:type It is an artifact
2 How can we describe or classify our resource? crm:P2_has_type Black and write photograph
3 What label can be used to describe the resource? rdf:label A photo of the Kon-Tiki crew and their families
5 What material is it made of? crm:P45_consists_of Photographic Paper
6 Where is it kept? crm:P50_has_current_keeper The Kon-Tiki Museum of Oslo
7 What describes it as an archival resource? rico:isInstantiationOf An archival record
8 Which event created the resource? crm:P108_was_produced_by Production

Archival record - Photograph

# Question Property Object
1 Which symbols uniquely identifies the archival resource? rico:hasOrHadIdentifier 1983-013-105-0040
2 Who donated the resource to the archive? rico:hasProvenance Thor Heyerdahl

Production - Photograph

# Question Property Object
1 When did the production take place? crm:P4_has_time-span 1952
2 Where did the production take place? crm:P7_took_place_at Pacific Ocean
3 Who carried it out? crm:P14_carried_out_by Thor Heyerdahl,Bengt Danielsson,Erik Bryn


# Question Property Object
1 What type of resource is it? rdf:type It is an artifact
2 How can we describe or classify our resource? crm:P2_has_type It is a map
3 What label can be used to describe the resource? rdf:label A map of the Pacific Ocean used for planning the Kon-Tiki expedition
4 What was it used for? ccrm:P16_was_used_for The Kon-Tiki expedition
5 Where is it kept? crm:P50_has_current_keeper The Kon-Tiki Museum of Oslo
6 What describes it as an archival resource? rico:isInstantiationOf An archival record
7 Which event created the resource? crm:P108_was_produced_by Production

Archival record - Map

# Question Property Object
1 Which symbols uniquely identifies the archival resource? rico:hasOrHadIdentifier 1983-011-0038-0891
2 Which title identifies the archival record? rico:Title 8.1 Preparations
3 Who donated the resource to the archive? rico:hasProvenance Thor Heyerdahl
4 More information about the content of the archival record and its context. rico:scopeAndContent The Kon-Tiki Expedition document collections contains all surviving material from the planning and organization of the expedition, as well as all surviving communications after the end of the expedition.
5 Brief history of the object described by the record. rico:History Bjørn Rørholt, who was the expedition secretary in the initial stages of planning, began archiving material in Washington. Gerd Vold Hurum, who replaced Rørholt continued this practice. All documents were transferred to Thor Heyerdahl after the end of the expedition.
6 Which terms or affect the possibility to consult the resource? rico:ConditionOfAccess No conditions governs access to the material. All parts of the Kon-Tiki Expedition document collection is open to the public.

Production - Map

# Question Property Object
1 When did the production take place? crm:P4_has_time-span 1947
2 Who carried it out? crm:P14_carried_out_by Thor Heyerdahl


# Question Property Object
1 What type of resource is it? rdf:type It is an artifact
2 How can we describe or classify our resource? crm:P2_has_type Commemorative stamp
3 What label can be used to describe the resource? rdf:label A Kon-Tiki commemorative stamp
4 What material is it made of? crm:P45_consists_of Paper
5 What are the dimensions? crm:P43_has_dimension 27 x 32 mm
6 What describes it as an archival resource? rico:isInstantiationOf An archival record
7 Which event created the resource? crm:P108_was_produced_by Production

Archival record - Stamp

# Question Property Object
1 Which title identifies the archival record? rico:Title Kon Tiki

Production - Stamp

# Question Property Object
1 When did the production take place? crm:P4_has_time-span 2014-04-28


# Question Property Object
1 What is the resource title? crm:P102_has_title Kon-Tiki
2 What type of resource is it? rdf:type It is a creative work
3 How can we describe or classify our resource? crm:P2_has_type It is a song
4 What label can be used to describe the resource? rdf:label Kon-Tiki song by Meet the sun
5 Who created the resource? dcterms:Creator Meet the Sun
6 What is the language of the resource? crm:P72:has_Language English
7 When was the resource published? schema:datePublished 2016-04-04
8 What is the genre of the resource? schema:Genre Folk
9 What is the duration of the resource? schema:duration 2:51 min


# Question Property Object
1 What is the resource title? crm:P102_has_title Kon-Tiki
2 What type of resource is it? rdf:type It is a creative work
3 How can we describe or classify our resource? crm:P2_has_type It is a film
4 What label can be used to describe the resource? rdf:label A documentary about the Kon-Tiki expedition
5 Who directed it? dcterms:director Thor Heyerdahl
6 Who is the screenwriter? gndo:screenwriter Thor Heyerdahl
7 What is the language of the resource? crm:P72_has_language Norwegian, English
8 What is the genre of the resource? schema:Genre Documentary
9 When was the resource published? schema:datePublished 13 January 1950
10 What is the duration of the resource? schema:duration 77 min
11 Which award did the resource win? schema:award The Academy Award for Documentary Feature in 1952


# Question Property Object
1 What type of resource is it? rdf:type Recording
2 How can we describe or classify our resource? crm:P2_has_type Interview
3 What label can be used to describe resource? rdf:label Thor Heyerdahl talking about the Kon-Tiki expedition
4 What is the title of the resource? crm:P102_has_title Thor Heyerdahl parla della spedizione del Kon Tiki
5 What is the language of the resource? crm:P72_has_language Norwegian
6 Where is it kept? crm:P50_has_current_keeper Istituto centrale per i beni sonori ed audiovisivi, Roma
7 Which is the format of the resource? dcterms:Format CD
8 What is the resource about? crm:P129_is_about Kon-Tiki Expedition
9 Which event created the resource? frbroo:R17_was_created_by frbroo:F29_Recording_Event
10 What does the resource convey? crm:P148_has_component A recorded speech

Recording Event - Recording

# Question Property Object
1 When did the recording take place? crm:P4_has_time-span 1995
2 Who carried it out? crm:P14_carried_out_by RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana
3 How was the contributor? dterms:contributor Thor Heyerdahl

Knowledge representation

RDF production

As a final step, we chose some entities and items representative for our domain and wrote RDF triples using turtle serialization in order to describe and connect them. In particular, our description focused on the Kon-Tiki Expedition, our event, Thor Heyerdahl, the main protagonist, Callao, a place related to our event, the raft used for the expedition and the Kon-tiki themed board game.

We created the URIs for our chosen entities and items and for others that could be useful to entangle more internal connections:



In addition, so as to uniquely identify our entities, we tried to align them to external resources such as authority files and repositories of knowledge already present on the World Wide Web. In particular, we connected our data to VIAF, Geonames, Getty AAT, Library of Congress Linked Data Service and Wikidata.

To create such external connections we exploited some properties able to create semantic associations, namely: owl:sameAs, skos:exactMatch, skos:broader, skos:related, foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf, and rdfs:seeAlso.

Knowledge representation

RDF visualization


Our Hardworking Team

Francesca Borriello

Lorenza Pierucci

Alice Bordignon